Walking 10000 steps before 10 AM can be a great way to turbocharge your day. But doing so can be a challenge, especially considering that the average American gets between
...When September 2021 ended, I marked three consecutive months of walking 500k steps in a month. I had set out on this goal in late May after deciding to live a more active lifestyle. Around the
...Living in the desert southwest, summertime energy costs are always top of mind for me. We average about 300 sunny days per year and summertime temps that often exceed 115F. That’s a
...It’s been one year since I paid off what was once a $40,000 heaping pile of steaming credit card bullshit. $40,000 worth of sleepless nights worrying how the fuck I
...Buying refurbished products can be a great way to save on purchases. And guess what? They are often nearly as good or just as good as their new counterparts. I’ve been buying
...It’s the summer of 2012. I step onto the scale at my local gym like I’ve done more times than I can remember. But this time is different. I am more
...Living below your means isn’t always the easiest thing to do. The temptation to buy is everywhere. Whether it be advertisements on TV, Google search, your favorite apps, or friends
...The blaring of my alarm. I hit snooze to squeeze out a few more minutes. Fall back asleep. The alarm goes off again. Hit snooze once more to get